This structure specifies the NAME, encoded in ISO 8859-1 according to Section 3, of another font server that may be useful
as a substitute for this font server.
This structure specifies an individual character code within either a 2-dimensional matrix (using BYTE1 and BYTE2 as the row and column indices, respectively) or a vector (using BYTE1 and BYTE2 as most- and least-significant bytes, respectively).
This error is generated by an invalid ACCESSCONTEXT in the FreeAC or
SetAuthorization request or by an OpenBitmapFont request performed
without sufficient authorization.
This error is generated by an invalid FONTID in the QueryXInfo,
QueryXExtents8, QueryXExtents16, QueryXBitmaps8, QueryXBitmaps16,
and CloseFont requests.
This error is generated by an invalid or already associated
ACCESSCONTEXT identifier in a CreateAC request or FONTID identifier
in an OpenBitmapFont request.
This error is generated by any request that has an unknown combination
of major and minor request numbers, or by any extension request that
is issued before a QueryExtension of that extension.
This event is sent to clients that have included CatalogueListChangeMask
in their core event mask whenever the list of catalogues that are available
has changed.
This event is sent to clients that have included FontListChangeMask in
their event mask whenever the list of fonts that are provided by the
currently selected catalogues has changed.
This unsolicited, nonmaskable event may be sent by the server to verify
that the connection has not been broken (for transports that do not
provide this information).