jxUtil 0.6

Class XRowSetMetaData

All Implemented Interfaces:
ResultSetMetaData, RowSetMetaData

public class XRowSetMetaData
extends AbstractResultSetMetaData
implements RowSetMetaData

Default implementation of RowSetMetaData. The development of this class was sponsored by Vic Cekvenich of BaseBeans Engineering Limitations: setColumnCount must be invoked before the column setter function.

0.1, 01/11/10
Keve Müller

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxutil.sql.AbstractResultSetMetaData
Field Summary
(package private)  ProxyType[] typeMeta
Fields inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxutil.sql.AbstractResultSetMetaData
nameMeta, typeMap
Fields inherited from interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
columnNoNulls, columnNullable, columnNullableUnknown
Constructor Summary
XRowSetMetaData(AbstractResultSetMetaData.NameMetaData[] nameMeta, ProxyType[] typeMeta)
Method Summary
 AbstractType getType(int columnIndex)
          Return the AbstractType of the given column.
 void setAutoIncrement(int columnIndex, boolean property)
          Sets whether the designated column is automatically numbered, and thus read-only.
 void setCaseSensitive(int columnIndex, boolean property)
          Sets whether the designated column is case sensitive.
 void setCatalogName(int columnIndex, String catalogName)
          Sets the designated column's table's catalog name, if any, to the given String.
 void setColumnCount(int columnCount)
          Sets the number of columns in the RowSet object to the given number.
 void setColumnDisplaySize(int columnIndex, int size)
          Sets the designated column's normal maximum width in chars to the given int.
 void setColumnLabel(int columnIndex, String columnLabel)
          Sets the suggested column title for use in printouts and displays, if any, to the given String.
 void setColumnName(int columnIndex, String columnName)
          Sets the name of the designated column to the given String.
 void setColumnType(int columnIndex, int SQLType)
          Sets the designated column's SQL type to the one given.
 void setColumnTypeName(int columnIndex, String typeName)
          Sets the designated column's type name that is specific to the data source, if any, to the given String.
 void setCurrency(int columnIndex, boolean property)
          Sets whether the designated column is a cash value.
 void setNullable(int columnIndex, int property)
          Sets whether the designated column's value can be set to NULL.
 void setPrecision(int columnIndex, int precision)
          Sets the designated column's number of decimal digits to the given int.
 void setScale(int columnIndex, int scale)
          Sets the designated column's number of digits to the right of the decimal point to the given int.
 void setSchemaName(int columnIndex, String schemaName)
          Sets the name of the designated column's table's schema, if any, to the given String.
 void setSearchable(int columnIndex, boolean property)
          Sets whether the designated column can be used in a where clause.
 void setSigned(int columnIndex, boolean property)
          Sets whether the designated column is a signed number.
 void setTableName(int columnIndex, String tableName)
          Sets the designated column's table name, if any, to the given String.
Methods inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxutil.sql.AbstractResultSetMetaData
getCatalogName, getColumnClassName, getColumnCount, getColumnDisplaySize, getColumnLabel, getColumnName, getColumnType, getColumnTypeName, getPrecision, getScale, getSchemaName, getTableName, isAutoIncrement, isCaseSensitive, isCurrency, isDefinitelyWritable, isNullable, isReadOnly, isSearchable, isSigned, isWritable, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.sql.ResultSetMetaData
getCatalogName, getColumnClassName, getColumnCount, getColumnDisplaySize, getColumnLabel, getColumnName, getColumnType, getColumnTypeName, getPrecision, getScale, getSchemaName, getTableName, isAutoIncrement, isCaseSensitive, isCurrency, isDefinitelyWritable, isNullable, isReadOnly, isSearchable, isSigned, isWritable

Field Detail


ProxyType[] typeMeta
Constructor Detail


public XRowSetMetaData()


public XRowSetMetaData(AbstractResultSetMetaData.NameMetaData[] nameMeta,
                       ProxyType[] typeMeta)
Method Detail


public AbstractType getType(int columnIndex)
Description copied from class: AbstractResultSetMetaData
Return the AbstractType of the given column.

Specified by:
getType in class AbstractResultSetMetaData


public void setAutoIncrement(int columnIndex,
                             boolean property)
Sets whether the designated column is automatically numbered, and thus read-only.

Specified by:
setAutoIncrement in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setCaseSensitive(int columnIndex,
                             boolean property)
Sets whether the designated column is case sensitive.

Specified by:
setCaseSensitive in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setCatalogName(int columnIndex,
                           String catalogName)
Sets the designated column's table's catalog name, if any, to the given String.

Specified by:
setCatalogName in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setColumnCount(int columnCount)
Sets the number of columns in the RowSet object to the given number. This must be invoked first.

Specified by:
setColumnCount in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setColumnDisplaySize(int columnIndex,
                                 int size)
Sets the designated column's normal maximum width in chars to the given int.

Specified by:
setColumnDisplaySize in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setColumnLabel(int columnIndex,
                           String columnLabel)
Sets the suggested column title for use in printouts and displays, if any, to the given String.

Specified by:
setColumnLabel in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setColumnName(int columnIndex,
                          String columnName)
Sets the name of the designated column to the given String.

Specified by:
setColumnName in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setColumnType(int columnIndex,
                          int SQLType)
Sets the designated column's SQL type to the one given.

Specified by:
setColumnType in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setColumnTypeName(int columnIndex,
                              String typeName)
Sets the designated column's type name that is specific to the data source, if any, to the given String.

Specified by:
setColumnTypeName in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setCurrency(int columnIndex,
                        boolean property)
Sets whether the designated column is a cash value.

Specified by:
setCurrency in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setNullable(int columnIndex,
                        int property)
Sets whether the designated column's value can be set to NULL.

Specified by:
setNullable in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setPrecision(int columnIndex,
                         int precision)
Sets the designated column's number of decimal digits to the given int.

Specified by:
setPrecision in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setScale(int columnIndex,
                     int scale)
Sets the designated column's number of digits to the right of the decimal point to the given int.

Specified by:
setScale in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setSchemaName(int columnIndex,
                          String schemaName)
Sets the name of the designated column's table's schema, if any, to the given String.

Specified by:
setSchemaName in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setSearchable(int columnIndex,
                          boolean property)
Sets whether the designated column can be used in a where clause.

Specified by:
setSearchable in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setSigned(int columnIndex,
                      boolean property)
Sets whether the designated column is a signed number.

Specified by:
setSigned in interface RowSetMetaData


public void setTableName(int columnIndex,
                         String tableName)
Sets the designated column's table name, if any, to the given String.

Specified by:
setTableName in interface RowSetMetaData

jxUtil 0.6

Copyright © 2001,2002 Keve Müller, et al.; see LICENSE file for details.