jxUtil 0.6

Class XFSErrors


public class XFSErrors
extends XFSPackets

Nested Class Summary
static class XFSErrors.AccessContextErr
          This error is generated by an invalid ACCESSCONTEXT in the FreeAC or SetAuthorization request or by an OpenBitmapFont request performed without sufficient authorization.
static class XFSErrors.AllocErr
          This error is generated by any request for which the server lacks sufficient resources (especially memory).
static class XFSErrors.EventMaskErr
          This error is generated by an invalid EVENTMASK in the SetEventMask request.
static class XFSErrors.FontErr
          This error is generated by an invalid FONTID in the QueryXInfo, QueryXExtents8, QueryXExtents16, QueryXBitmaps8, QueryXBitmaps16, and CloseFont requests.
static class XFSErrors.FormatErr
          This error is generated by the use of an invalid BITMAPFORMAT in the OpenBitmapFont, QueryXBitmaps8, and QueryXBitmaps16 requests.
static class XFSErrors.IDChoiceErr
          This error is generated by an invalid or already associated ACCESSCONTEXT identifier in a CreateAC request or FONTID identifier in an OpenBitmapFont request.
static class XFSErrors.ImplementationErr
          This error may be generated in response to any request that the server is unable to process because it is deficient.
static class XFSErrors.LengthErr
          This error is generated by any request that has a length field greater than (MAXIMUM-REQUEST-LENGTH*4) bytes.
static class XFSErrors.NameErr
          This error is generated by a font name pattern that matches no fonts in an OpenBitmapFont request or no catalogue names in a SetCatalogues request.
static class XFSErrors.RangeErr
          This error is generated by an invalid RANGE in the QueryXExtents8, QueryXExtents16, QueryXBitmaps8, QueryXBitmaps16 requests.
static class XFSErrors.RequestErr
          This error is generated by any request that has an unknown combination of major and minor request numbers, or by any extension request that is issued before a QueryExtension of that extension.
static class XFSErrors.ResolutionErr
          This error is generated in response to an invalid RESOLUTION structure in a SetResolution request.
static class XFSErrors.UnknownErr
Nested classes inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.xfs.XFSPackets
XFSPackets.OpenConnectionReq, XFSPackets.OpenConnectionRes, XFSPackets.XFSEvent, XFSPackets.XFSRequest, XFSPackets.XFSResponse
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.xfs.XFSPackets
Constructor Summary
Methods inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.xfs.XFSPackets
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public XFSErrors()

jxUtil 0.6

Copyright © 2001,2002 Keve Müller, et al.; see LICENSE file for details.