jxUtil 0.6 | ||||||||
Class Summary | |
XFSDataTypes | |
XFSDataTypes.ACCESSCONTEXT | This value is specified in the CreateAC request as the identifier to be used when referring to a particular AccessContext resource within the server. |
XFSDataTypes.ALTERNATESERVER | This structure specifies the NAME, encoded in ISO 8859-1 according to Section 3, of another font server that may be useful as a substitute for this font server. |
XFSDataTypes.AUTH | This structure specifies the name of an authorization protocol and initial data for that protocol. |
XFSDataTypes.BITMAPFORMAT | This structure specifies how glyph images are transmitted in response to QueryXBitmaps8 and QueryXBitmaps16 requests. |
XFSDataTypes.BITMAPFORMATMASK | This is a mask of bits representing the fields in a BITMAPFORMAT. |
XFSDataTypes.BOOL | This is a boolean value containing one of the following alternate values: False 0 True 1. |
XFSDataTypes.BYTE | This is an unsigned 8 bit value of data whose encoding is determined by the context in which it is used. |
XFSDataTypes.CARD16 | This is an 16-bit unsigned integer type. |
XFSDataTypes.CARD32 | This is an 32-bit unsigned integer type. |
XFSDataTypes.CARD8 | This is an 8-bit unsigned integer type. |
XFSDataTypes.CHAR2B | This structure specifies an individual character code within either a 2-dimensional matrix (using BYTE1 and BYTE2 as the row and column indices, respectively) or a vector (using BYTE1 and BYTE2 as most- and least-significant bytes, respectively). |
XFSDataTypes.EVENTMASK | This is a mask of bits indicating which of an extension s (or the core s) maskable events the client would like to receive. |
XFSDataTypes.FONTID | This is specified by the client in the request OpenBitmapFont as the identifier to be used when referring to a particular open font. |
XFSDataTypes.ID | This is a 32-bit value in which the top 3 bits must be clear, and at least 1 other bit must be set (yielding a range of 1 through 2^29-1). |
XFSDataTypes.INT16 | 16-bit signed integer type. |
XFSDataTypes.INT32 | 32-bit signed integer type. |
XFSDataTypes.INT8 | 8-bit signed integer type. |
XFSDataTypes.OFFSET32 | This structure indicates a position and length within a block of data. |
XFSDataTypes.PROPINFO | This structure describes the list of properties provided by a font. |
XFSDataTypes.PROPOFFSET | This structure specifies the position, length, and type of of data for a property. |
XFSDataTypes.RANGE | This structure specifies a range of character codes. |
XFSDataTypes.RESOLUTION | This structure specifies resolution and point size to be used in resolving partially-specified scaled font names. |
XFSDataTypes.STRING8 | This is a counted list of 1-byte character codes, typically encoded in ISO 8859-1. |
XFSDataTypes.TIMESTAMP | This is the number of milliseconds that have passed since a server-dependent origin. |
XFSDataTypes.XCHARINFO | This structure specifies the ink extents and horizontal escapement (also known as the set- or logical width) of an individual character. |
XFSDataTypes.XFONTINFO | This structure specifies attributes related to the font as a whole. |
XFSDataTypes.XFSDataType | |
XFSErrors | |
XFSErrors.AccessContextErr | This error is generated by an invalid ACCESSCONTEXT in the FreeAC or SetAuthorization request or by an OpenBitmapFont request performed without sufficient authorization. |
XFSErrors.AllocErr | This error is generated by any request for which the server lacks sufficient resources (especially memory). |
XFSErrors.EventMaskErr | This error is generated by an invalid EVENTMASK in the SetEventMask request. |
XFSErrors.FontErr | This error is generated by an invalid FONTID in the QueryXInfo, QueryXExtents8, QueryXExtents16, QueryXBitmaps8, QueryXBitmaps16, and CloseFont requests. |
XFSErrors.FormatErr | This error is generated by the use of an invalid BITMAPFORMAT in the OpenBitmapFont, QueryXBitmaps8, and QueryXBitmaps16 requests. |
XFSErrors.IDChoiceErr | This error is generated by an invalid or already associated ACCESSCONTEXT identifier in a CreateAC request or FONTID identifier in an OpenBitmapFont request. |
XFSErrors.ImplementationErr | This error may be generated in response to any request that the server is unable to process because it is deficient. |
XFSErrors.LengthErr | This error is generated by any request that has a length field greater than (MAXIMUM-REQUEST-LENGTH*4) bytes. |
XFSErrors.NameErr | This error is generated by a font name pattern that matches no fonts in an OpenBitmapFont request or no catalogue names in a SetCatalogues request. |
XFSErrors.RangeErr | This error is generated by an invalid RANGE in the QueryXExtents8, QueryXExtents16, QueryXBitmaps8, QueryXBitmaps16 requests. |
XFSErrors.RequestErr | This error is generated by any request that has an unknown combination of major and minor request numbers, or by any extension request that is issued before a QueryExtension of that extension. |
XFSErrors.ResolutionErr | This error is generated in response to an invalid RESOLUTION structure in a SetResolution request. |
XFSErrors.UnknownErr | |
XFSEvents | Events may be generated in response to requests or at the server's discretion after the initial connection setup information has been exchanged. |
XFSEvents.CatalogueListNotifyEv | This event is sent to clients that have included CatalogueListChangeMask in their core event mask whenever the list of catalogues that are available has changed. |
XFSEvents.FontListNotifyEv | This event is sent to clients that have included FontListChangeMask in their event mask whenever the list of fonts that are provided by the currently selected catalogues has changed. |
XFSEvents.KeepAliveEv | This unsolicited, nonmaskable event may be sent by the server to verify that the connection has not been broken (for transports that do not provide this information). |
XFSEvents.UnknownEv | |
XFSPackets | |
XFSPackets.OpenConnectionReq | |
XFSPackets.OpenConnectionRes | |
XFSPackets.XFSData | |
XFSPackets.XFSError | |
XFSPackets.XFSEvent | |
XFSPackets.XFSRequest | |
XFSPackets.XFSResponse | |
XFSProtocol | |
XFSRequests | |
XFSRequests.CloseFontReq | |
XFSRequests.FreeACReq | |
XFSRequests.GetCataloguesReq | |
XFSRequests.GetEventMaskReq | |
XFSRequests.GetResolutionReq | |
XFSRequests.ListCataloguesReq | |
XFSRequests.ListExtensionsReq | |
XFSRequests.ListFontsReq | |
XFSRequests.ListFontsWithXInfoReq | |
XFSRequests.NoOpReq | |
XFSRequests.OpenBitmapFontReq | |
XFSRequests.QueryExtensionReq | |
XFSRequests.QueryXBitmaps16Req | |
XFSRequests.QueryXBitmaps8Req | |
XFSRequests.QueryXExtents16Req | |
XFSRequests.QueryXExtents8Req | |
XFSRequests.QueryXInfoReq | |
XFSRequests.SetAuthorizationReq | |
XFSRequests.SetCataloguesReq | |
XFSRequests.SetEventMaskReq | |
XFSRequests.SetResolutionReq | |
XFSRequests.StringListRequest | |
XFSRequests.UnknownReq | |
XFSResponses | |
XFSResponses.GetCataloguesRes | |
XFSResponses.GetEventMaskRes | |
XFSResponses.GetResolutionRes | |
XFSResponses.ListCataloguesRes | |
XFSResponses.ListExtensionsRes | |
XFSResponses.ListFontsRes | |
XFSResponses.ListFontsWithXInfoRes | |
XFSResponses.ListFontsWithXInfoResA | |
XFSResponses.OpenBitmapFontRes | |
XFSResponses.QueryExtensionRes | |
XFSResponses.QueryXBitmaps16Res | |
XFSResponses.QueryXBitmaps8Res | |
XFSResponses.QueryXExtents16Res | |
XFSResponses.QueryXExtents8Res | |
XFSResponses.QueryXInfoRes | |
XFSResponses.StringListResponse | |
XFSResponses.UnknownRes | |
Exception Summary | |
XFSProtocolException |
This is a pure Java implementation of the X Font Service Protocol as described in Jim Fulton's document of the same name.
Features include:
jxUtil 0.6 | ||||||||