If the BIT-ORDER-MSB bit is set, the left-most bit in each glyph scanline unit is stored in the Most Significant Bit
of each transmitted scanline unit.
Static variable in class org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddrdbd.PKGDFTCST
BITSTRDR - class org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddprmd.BITSTRDR.
Bit String Field.
Constructor for class org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddprmd.BITSTRDR
Bind Existence Checking (BNDCHKEXS) String controls whether the relational
database (RDB) treats the absence of a named RDB object (table, view, and so
on) on an SQL statement or the requester not being authorized to a named RDB
object as an error.
Static variable in interface org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddrdbd.CodePoints
Bind Check Only (BNDCHKONL) specifies that the target relational
database (RDB) performs all syntax and semantic checks on the SQL
statements bound to the package.
Static variable in interface org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddrdbd.CodePoints
Bind Errors Allowed (BNDERRALW) specifies that the target relational
database (RDB) performs all syntax and semantic checks on the SQL
statements being bound to the package.
Bind Explain Option (BNDEXPOPT) String controls whether the target SQLAM
causes the target relational database (RDB) to produce explanatory
information for all explainable SQL statements in the package.
Static variable in interface org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddrdbd.CodePoints
Bind Object Existence Option (BNDEXSOPT) specifies that if a named
relational database (RDB) object (table, view, and so on) does not exist
or the requester is not authorized to a named RDB object, then the RDB
must not treat either of those conditions as an error during the bind or
rebind process.
Static variable in interface org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddrdbd.CodePoints
Bind Object Existence Required (BNDEXSRQR) specifies that if a named
relational database (RDB) object (table view, and so on) does not exist
or the requester is not authorized to a named RDB object, then the RDB
must treat this condition as an error during the bind process.
Static variable in interface org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddrdbd.CodePoints
Bind No Errors Allowed (BNDNERALW) specifies that the target RDB
performs all syntax and semantic checks on the SQL statements bound to
the package.
Bind SQL Statement to an RDB Package (BNDSQLSTT) Command binds an SQL
statement and any referenced application variable definitions to a
relational database (RDB) package.
Bind SQL Statement Assumptions (BNDSTTASM) String specify the assumptions
made by the source server program preparation process (the precompiler)
makes when it was unable to properly classify the SQL statement contained
in the SQLSTT command data object.