jxUtil 0.6

Interface CodePoints

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CodePoints

Field Summary
static short BNDCHKONL
          Bind Check Only (BNDCHKONL) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) performs all syntax and semantic checks on the SQL statements bound to the package.
static short BNDERRALW
          Bind Errors Allowed (BNDERRALW) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) performs all syntax and semantic checks on the SQL statements being bound to the package.
static short BNDEXSOPT
          Bind Object Existence Option (BNDEXSOPT) specifies that if a named relational database (RDB) object (table, view, and so on) does not exist or the requester is not authorized to a named RDB object, then the RDB must not treat either of those conditions as an error during the bind or rebind process.
static short BNDEXSRQR
          Bind Object Existence Required (BNDEXSRQR) specifies that if a named relational database (RDB) object (table view, and so on) does not exist or the requester is not authorized to a named RDB object, then the RDB must treat this condition as an error during the bind process.
static short BNDNERALW
          Bind No Errors Allowed (BNDNERALW) specifies that the target RDB performs all syntax and semantic checks on the SQL statements bound to the package.
static short CSTBITS
          Character Subtype Bits (CSTBITS) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) uses the FOR BITS DATA SQL character subtype for all new character columns for which an explicit subtype is not specified.
static short CSTMBCS
          Character Subtype MBCS (CSTMBCS) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) uses the FOR MIXED DATA SQL character subtype for all new character columns for which an explicit subtype is not specified.
static short CSTSBCS
          Character Subtype SBCS (CSTSBCS) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) uses the FOR SBCS DATA SQL character subtype for all new character columns an explicit subtype is not specified.
static short CSTSYSDFT
          Character Subtype System Default (CSTSYSDFT) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) uses the target system-defined default for all new character columns for which an explicit subtype is not specified.
static short DECDELCMA
          Decimal Delimiter Is Comma (DECDELCMA) specifies that the decimal delimiter in the SQL 8106 statements is the comma (with the Graphic Character Global Identifier (GCGID) SP08) character.
static short DECDELPRD
          Decimal Delimiter Is Period (DECDELPRD) specifies that the decimal delimiter in the SQL 8121 statements is the period (with the Graphic Character Global Identifier (GCGID) SP11) character.
static short DFTPKG
          Package Default (DFTPKG) is a parameter that helps define the SQL statement delimiters.
static short EURDATFMT
          The European Date Format (EURDATFMT) specifies that dates in the Structured Query Language (SQL) statements are in the European date format: dd.mm.yyyy where "." is a period character (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP11).
static short EURTIMFMT
          The European Time Format (EURTIMFMT) specifies that times in the Structured Query Language (SQL) statements are in the European time format: hh.mm.ss where "." is a period character (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP11).
static short EXPALL
          The Explain All Explainable SQL Statements (EXPALL) specifies that the target SQLAM causes the target relational database (RDB) manager to explain normally any explainable SQL statements during the bind or rebind process.
static short EXPNON
          The Explain No SQL Statements (EXPNON) specifies that the target SQLAM does not cause the target relational database (RDB) to explain any explainable Structured Query Language (SQL) statements during the bind process.
static short FIXROWPRC
          Fixed Row Query Protocol (FIXROWPRC) supports both non-scrollable and scrollable cursors.
static short FRCFIXROW
          The Force Fixed Row Query Protocol (FRCFIXROW) code point specifies the fixed row query protocol to be used.
static short ISODATFMT
          ISO Date Format (ISODATFMT) specifies that dates which appear in the SQL statements are in the International Standard Organization (ISO) date format, which is: yyyy-mm-dd where - is a hyphen (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP10).
static short ISOLVLALL
          Isolation Level All (ISOLVLALL) specifies that the execution of SQL statements in the package is isolated (protected) from the actions of concurrent users for rows the requester reads and changes.
static short ISOLVLCHG
          Isolation Level Change (ISOLVLCHG) specifies that the execution of SQL statements in the package is isolated (protected) from the actions of concurrent users for changes the requester makes.
static short ISOLVLCS
          Isolation Level Cursor Stability (ISOLVLCS) specifies that the execution of Structured Query Language (SQL) statements in the package and the current row to which the database cursor is positioned are isolated (protected) from the actions of concurrent users for changes the requester makes.
static short ISOLVLNC
          Isolation Level No Commit (ISOLVLNC) is used when SQL statements are executed.
static short ISOLVLRR
          Isolation Level Repeatable Read (ISOLVLRR) specifies that the execution of Structured Query Language (SQL) statements in the package is isolated (protected) from the actions of concurrent users for rows the requester reads and changes, as well as phantom rows.
static short ISOTIMFMT
          The ISO Time Format (ISOTIMFMT) specifies that when times appear in the Structured Query Language (SQL) statements they will be in the International Standard Organization (ISO) time format, which is: hh.mm.ss where "." is a period (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP11).
static short JISDATFMT
          Japanese Industrial Standard Date (JISDATFMT) specifies that date values in the Structured Query Language (SQL) statements are in the Japanese Industrial Standard date format (JISDATFMT): yyyy-mm-dd where "-" is a hyphen (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP10).
static short JISTIMFMT
          Japanese Industrial Standard Time Format (JISTIMFMT) specifies that time values in the Structured Query Language (SQL) statements are in the Japanese Industrial Standard time format (JISTIMFMT): hh:mm:ss where ":" is a colon (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP13).
static short LMTBLKPRC
          Limited Block Query Protocol (LMTBLKPRC) documents the limited block query protocols.
static short PKGATHKP
          Package Authorizations Keep (PKGATHKP) specifies that the target relational database must keep the existing package authorizations when replacing a package.
static short PKGATHRVK
          Package Authorizations Revoked (PKGATHRVK) specifies that the target relational database must revoke the existing package authorizations when replacing an existing package.
static short PKGRPLALW
          Package Replacement Allowed (PKGRPLALW) specifies that if a relational database package currently exists having the same specified package name (in PKGNAMCT) and version name (PKGRPLVRS) as specified on the BGNBND command, then the existing package will be replaced if the current bind process results in a package being created.
static short PKGRPLNA
          Package Replacement Not Allowed (PKGRPLNA) specifies that if a package currently exists that has the same package name and version name (VRSNAM) as specified on the BGNBND command, the bind process must not be initiated.
static short RDBRLSCMM
          RDB Release at Commit (RDBRLSCMM) specifies that the RDB releases the package execution resources every time a unit of work is either committed or rolled back.
static short RDBRLSCNV
          RDB Release at Conversation Deallocation (RDBRLSCNV) specifies that the target RDB releases the package execution resources when the conversation with the source server is deallocated.
static short STRDELAP
          String Delimiter Apostrophe (STRDELAP) specifies that the string delimiter in the SQL statements is an apostrophe (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP05) character and that the delimiter for SQL identifiers is the double quote (with GCGID SP04) character.
static short STTASMEUI
          Statement Assumptions Executable Unique Section Input (STTASMEUI) specifies that the source server program preparation process (precompiler) was not able to classify the SQL statement; therefore, the following assumptions are made about the SQL statement: "The statement can be executed with an EXCSQLSTT command.
static short STTSCCCLS
          Statement Successfully Classified (STTSCCCLS) specifies that the source server program preparation process (precompiler) properly classified the SQL statement, and therefore, assumptions about the SQL statement are not necessary.
static short STTSTRDEL
          String Delimiter Double Quote (STRDELDQ) specifies that the string delimiter in the SQL statements is a double quote (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP04) character and that the delimiter for SQL identifiers is an apostrophe (with the GCGID SP05) character.
static short USADATFMT
          USA Date Format (USADATFMT) specifies that dates in the SQL statements are in the USA date format: mm/dd/yyyy where / is a slash (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP12) character.
static short USATIMFMT
          USA Time Format (USATIMFMT) specifies that times in the SQL statements are in the USA time format: hh:mm xM x =A or P where ":" is a colon (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP11) character, and A, M, and P are capital (with the Graphic Character IDentifier (GCGID) LA02) characters.

Field Detail


public static final short BNDCHKONL
Bind Check Only (BNDCHKONL) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) performs all syntax and semantic checks on the SQL statements bound to the package. However, a package must not be created as a part of this bind process. This also specifies that if PKGRPLOPT(PKGRPLALW) is specified and an existing package with the same package and version name already exists, then the existing package must not be either dropped or replaced as a part of this bind process.

See Also:
BNDCRTCTL, BNDNERALW, Constant Field Values


public static final short BNDERRALW
Bind Errors Allowed (BNDERRALW) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) performs all syntax and semantic checks on the SQL statements being bound to the package. Even if errors are detected during the bind process, a package must be created. Reserved sections must be generated in the package for SQL statements found to be in error.

See Also:
BNDCRTCTL, Constant Field Values


public static final short BNDEXSOPT
Bind Object Existence Option (BNDEXSOPT) specifies that if a named relational database (RDB) object (table, view, and so on) does not exist or the requester is not authorized to a named RDB object, then the RDB must not treat either of those conditions as an error during the bind or rebind process. This option allows dynamic binding to occur at execution time for some statements that have additional overhead and reduced runtime performance.

See Also:
BNDCHKEXS, Constant Field Values


public static final short BNDEXSRQR
Bind Object Existence Required (BNDEXSRQR) specifies that if a named relational database (RDB) object (table view, and so on) does not exist or the requester is not authorized to a named RDB object, then the RDB must treat this condition as an error during the bind process. For a BGNBND command, this might prevent creation or replacement of the package depending on the value specified for the BNDCRTCTL parameter. For a REBIND command, this might prevent replacement of the package.

See Also:
BNDCHKEXS, Constant Field Values


public static final short BNDNERALW
Bind No Errors Allowed (BNDNERALW) specifies that the target RDB performs all syntax and semantic checks on the SQL statements bound to the package. If, however, any error is detected during the bind process, no package is created (or replaced) as a part of the bind process. An error is considered to have been detected: "When a BNDSQLSTT command returns a DDM reply message and the reply message has a severity code value of ERROR or greater "When a BNDSQLSTT command that contains an error indication that the SQL language defines returns an SQLCARD reply data object If an error is detected for a section and the next BNDSQLSTT command reuses that section, errors previously detected for that section are ignored. Only the errors detected by the immediately preceding BNDSQLSTT command detects can be ignored. If an error is detected, the bind process proceeds as if BNDCHKONL had been specified for the BNDCRTCTL parameter. If no errors are detected, the package is created or replaced as part of the bind process.

See Also:
BNDCRTCTL, Constant Field Values


public static final short CSTBITS
Character Subtype Bits (CSTBITS) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) uses the FOR BITS DATA SQL character subtype for all new character columns for which an explicit subtype is not specified.

See Also:
PKGDFTCST, Constant Field Values


public static final short CSTMBCS
Character Subtype MBCS (CSTMBCS) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) uses the FOR MIXED DATA SQL character subtype for all new character columns for which an explicit subtype is not specified.

See Also:
PKGDFTCST, Constant Field Values


public static final short CSTSBCS
Character Subtype SBCS (CSTSBCS) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) uses the FOR SBCS DATA SQL character subtype for all new character columns an explicit subtype is not specified.

See Also:
PKGDFTCST, Constant Field Values


public static final short CSTSYSDFT
Character Subtype System Default (CSTSYSDFT) specifies that the target relational database (RDB) uses the target system-defined default for all new character columns for which an explicit subtype is not specified.

See Also:
PKGDFTCST, Constant Field Values


public static final short DECDELCMA
Decimal Delimiter Is Comma (DECDELCMA) specifies that the decimal delimiter in the SQL 8106 statements is the comma (with the Graphic Character Global Identifier (GCGID) SP08) character. For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09- 8108 1391, IBM).

See Also:
STTDECDEL, Constant Field Values


public static final short DECDELPRD
Decimal Delimiter Is Period (DECDELPRD) specifies that the decimal delimiter in the SQL 8121 statements is the period (with the Graphic Character Global Identifier (GCGID) SP11) character. For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09- 8123 1931, IBM).

See Also:
STTDECDEL, Constant Field Values


public static final short DFTPKG
Package Default (DFTPKG) is a parameter that helps define the SQL statement delimiters. If specified as a value of the STTDECDEL parameter on the ACCRDB command, the decimal delimiter for the subsequent dynamic SQL statements is taken from the package through which the dynamic SQL statements are executed. If specified as a value of the STTSTRDEL parameter on the ACCRDB command, the characters used for delimiting character strings and delimited SQL identifiers for the subsequent dynamic SQL statements are taken from the package through which the dynamic SQL statements are executed. This parameter value is not valid if specified on the BGNBND command.

See Also:
STTDECDEL, STTSTRDEL, Constant Field Values


public static final short EURDATFMT
The European Date Format (EURDATFMT) specifies that dates in the Structured Query Language (SQL) statements are in the European date format: dd.mm.yyyy where "." is a period character (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP11). For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09-1391, 10118 IBM).

See Also:
STTDATFMT, Constant Field Values


public static final short EURTIMFMT
The European Time Format (EURTIMFMT) specifies that times in the Structured Query Language (SQL) statements are in the European time format: hh.mm.ss where "." is a period character (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP11). For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09-1391, 10135 IBM).

See Also:
STTTIMFMT, Constant Field Values


public static final short EXPALL
The Explain All Explainable SQL Statements (EXPALL) specifies that the target SQLAM causes the target relational database (RDB) manager to explain normally any explainable SQL statements during the bind or rebind process.

See Also:
BNDEXPOPT, Constant Field Values


public static final short EXPNON
The Explain No SQL Statements (EXPNON) specifies that the target SQLAM does not cause the target relational database (RDB) to explain any explainable Structured Query Language (SQL) statements during the bind process.

See Also:
BNDEXPOPT, Constant Field Values


public static final short FIXROWPRC
Fixed Row Query Protocol (FIXROWPRC) supports both non-scrollable and scrollable cursors.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short FRCFIXROW
The Force Fixed Row Query Protocol (FRCFIXROW) code point specifies the fixed row query protocol to be used. If the BGNBND command specifies FRCFIXROW, then the fixed row query protocol must be used for all database cursors. If OPNQRY specifies FRCFIXROW, then the fixed row protocol is used only for the current database cursor.

See Also:


public static final short ISODATFMT
ISO Date Format (ISODATFMT) specifies that dates which appear in the SQL statements are in the International Standard Organization (ISO) date format, which is: yyyy-mm-dd where - is a hyphen (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP10). For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09-1391, IBM).

See Also:
STTDATFMT, Constant Field Values


public static final short ISOLVLALL
Isolation Level All (ISOLVLALL) specifies that the execution of SQL statements in the package is isolated (protected) from the actions of concurrent users for rows the requester reads and changes. Specifically, this means: "Rows that the requester reads, updates, deletes, or inserts are protected from updates by concurrent users until the end of the current unit of work. "Rows that the requester reads through a read-only database cursor may not be the results of uncommitted update, delete, or insert operations concurrent users perform. "The results table of an OPNQRY that the requester executes again for the same package section during a single unit of work may be different than the earlier results table. Rows that were inserted or updated by concurrent users or by the requester may show up in the new result table.

See Also:
PKGISOLVL, Constant Field Values


public static final short ISOLVLCHG
Isolation Level Change (ISOLVLCHG) specifies that the execution of SQL statements in the package is isolated (protected) from the actions of concurrent users for changes the requester makes. Specifically, this means: "Rows the requester reads through a read-only database cursor may be the results of uncommitted update, delete, or insert operations concurrent users perform. "Rows a read-only database cursor is positioning are not protected from updates by concurrent users. "Rows the requester reads through a non-read-only database cursor may not be the results of uncommitted update, delete, or insert operations concurrent users perform. "Rows a non-read-only database cursor is positioning are protected from updates by concurrent users until the next row is read or until the end of the current unit of work (UOW) if the current row is updated or deleted. "Rows being updated or deleted are protected from concurrent users until the end of the current UOW. "The results table of an OPNQRY that the requester is executing again for the same package section during a single unit of work may be entirely different than the earlier results table. Rows that were inserted, updated, or deleted by concurrent users or by the requester may show up in the new results table.

See Also:
PKGISOLVL, Constant Field Values


public static final short ISOLVLCS
Isolation Level Cursor Stability (ISOLVLCS) specifies that the execution of Structured Query Language (SQL) statements in the package and the current row to which the database cursor is positioned are isolated (protected) from the actions of concurrent users for changes the requester makes. Specifically, this means: "Rows the requester reads are protected while the requester has a database cursor positioned at that row. As soon as the requester moves the database cursor to another row, concurrent users can change the row to which the database cursor was previously positioned. Rows a requester is changing are protected from updates by concurrent users until the end of the current unit of work. "Rows that the requester reads and does not update are never the results of uncommitted update operations concurrent users perform. Updates the requester performs are not available to concurrent users until the current unit of work has ended. "The results table of an OPNQRY that the requester is executing again for the same package section during a single unit of work may be different than the earlier results table. Newly inserted rows and rows changed by concurrent users (but not updated by the requester) may show up in the new result table. Rows that were deleted by concurrent users (but not updated by the requester) may not be present in the new results table.

See Also:
PKGISOLVL, Constant Field Values


public static final short ISOLVLNC
Isolation Level No Commit (ISOLVLNC) is used when SQL statements are executed. Commitment control is not used. COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements are not required for changes to be visible to concurrent users. For SQL statements, this parameter value specifies that the execution of Structured Query Language (SQL) statements in the package is not isolated (protected) from the actions of concurrent users for changes the requester makes. Specifically, this means: "Rows the requester reads through a read-only database cursor may be the results of uncommitted update, delete, or insert operations concurrent users perform. "Rows a read-only database cursor is positioning are not protected from updates by concurrent users. "Rows the requester reads through a non-read-only database cursor may not be the results of uncommitted update, delete, or insert operations concurrent users perform. "Rows a non-read-only database cursor is positioning are protected from updates by concurrent users until the next row is read or until the current row is updated or deleted. "Rows being updated or deleted are not protected from concurrent users. "The results table of an OPNQRY that the requester is executing again for the same package section during a single unit of work may be entirely different from the earlier results table. Rows that concurrent users or requesters insert, update, or delete may show up in the new results table. Note: If ISOLVLNC is specified and the relational database (RDB) does not promote it to a higher isolation level, then updates and deletes are not treated as committable actions. For instance, the RDBUPDRM is not returned.

See Also:
PKGISOLVL, Constant Field Values


public static final short ISOLVLRR
Isolation Level Repeatable Read (ISOLVLRR) specifies that the execution of Structured Query Language (SQL) statements in the package is isolated (protected) from the actions of concurrent users for rows the requester reads and changes, as well as phantom rows. Specifically this means: "Rows that the requester reads or changes are protected from updates by concurrent users until the end of the current unit of work. "Rows that the requester reads but does not update are never the results of uncommitted update operations concurrent users perform. Updates the requester performs are not available to concurrent users until the current unit of work has ended. "The results table of an OPNQRY that the requester is executing again for the same package section during a single unit of work will always be the same as the earlier results table (except that it may contain updates the requester performs).

See Also:
PKGISOLVL, Constant Field Values


public static final short ISOTIMFMT
The ISO Time Format (ISOTIMFMT) specifies that when times appear in the Structured Query Language (SQL) statements they will be in the International Standard Organization (ISO) time format, which is: hh.mm.ss where "." is a period (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP11). For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09-1391, IBM).

See Also:
STTTIMFMT, Constant Field Values


public static final short JISDATFMT
Japanese Industrial Standard Date (JISDATFMT) specifies that date values in the Structured Query Language (SQL) statements are in the Japanese Industrial Standard date format (JISDATFMT): yyyy-mm-dd where "-" is a hyphen (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP10). For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09-1391, IBM).

See Also:
STTDATFMT, Constant Field Values


public static final short JISTIMFMT
Japanese Industrial Standard Time Format (JISTIMFMT) specifies that time values in the Structured Query Language (SQL) statements are in the Japanese Industrial Standard time format (JISTIMFMT): hh:mm:ss where ":" is a colon (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP13). For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09-1391, IBM).

See Also:
STTTIMFMT, Constant Field Values


public static final short LMTBLKPRC
Limited Block Query Protocol (LMTBLKPRC) documents the limited block query protocols. Limited block protocols are used for queries and for the return of result sets generated by the invocation of a stored procedure.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short PKGATHKP
Package Authorizations Keep (PKGATHKP) specifies that the target relational database must keep the existing package authorizations when replacing a package. If the new package has a new owner either because the PKGOWNID parameter was specified or because the BGNBND requester is a different end user than the previous package owner then: 1. The previous package owner retains EXECUTE privilege on the new package but loses the implicit privileges of ownership. 2. All users who were given EXECUTE privilege by the previous package owner retain the privilege, but the privileges are changed to indicate that they were given by the new package owner. 3. The new package owner is automatically given the EXECUTE privilege on the new package and the implicit privileges of ownership. If the owner of the package is not changed, then all of the existing EXECUTE privileges on the existing package are retained unchanged by the new package.

See Also:


public static final short PKGATHRVK
Package Authorizations Revoked (PKGATHRVK) specifies that the target relational database must revoke the existing package authorizations when replacing an existing package. If the new package has a new owner either because the PKGOWNID parameter was specified or because the BGNBND requester is a different end user than the previous package owner, then: 1. The previous package owner has all previously held privileges revoked for the new package. 2. All users who were given the EXECUTE privilege by the previous package owner have that privilege revoked for the new package. 3. The new package owner is automatically given the EXECUTE privilege and the implicit ownership privileges on the new package. If the owner of the package is not changed, then all of the existing EXECUTE privileges on the existing package are revoked except that the package owner retains the EXECUTE privilege.

See Also:


public static final short PKGRPLALW
Package Replacement Allowed (PKGRPLALW) specifies that if a relational database package currently exists having the same specified package name (in PKGNAMCT) and version name (PKGRPLVRS) as specified on the BGNBND command, then the existing package will be replaced if the current bind process results in a package being created. The VRSNAM parameter is specified on the BGNBND command and becomes the new package version name. The Bind Package Creation Control (BNDCRTCTL) parameter determines whether a package is created by the current bind process. If a package is being replaced, see PKGATHKP and PKGATHRVK (values of the PKGATHOPT parameter) for explanations on how that affects existing package authorizations.

See Also:


public static final short PKGRPLNA
Package Replacement Not Allowed (PKGRPLNA) specifies that if a package currently exists that has the same package name and version name (VRSNAM) as specified on the BGNBND command, the bind process must not be initiated. A BGNBNDRM is returned preceding an SQLCARD reply data object that indicates the cause of the error.

See Also:
BGNBND, PKGRPLOPT, org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddbasd.PKGRPLVRS, Constant Field Values


public static final short RDBRLSCMM
RDB Release at Commit (RDBRLSCMM) specifies that the RDB releases the package execution resources every time a unit of work is either committed or rolled back.

See Also:
RDBRLSOPT, Constant Field Values


public static final short RDBRLSCNV
RDB Release at Conversation Deallocation (RDBRLSCNV) specifies that the target RDB releases the package execution resources when the conversation with the source server is deallocated.

See Also:
RDBRLSOPT, Constant Field Values


public static final short STRDELAP
String Delimiter Apostrophe (STRDELAP) specifies that the string delimiter in the SQL statements is an apostrophe (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP05) character and that the delimiter for SQL identifiers is the double quote (with GCGID SP04) character. For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09-1391, IBM).

See Also:
STTSTRDEL, Constant Field Values


public static final short STTASMEUI
Statement Assumptions Executable Unique Section Input (STTASMEUI) specifies that the source server program preparation process (precompiler) was not able to classify the SQL statement; therefore, the following assumptions are made about the SQL statement: "The statement can be executed with an EXCSQLSTT command. "This SQL statement was assigned a unique section number and no other SQL statement shares that section. "All variables contained in the SQL statement are assumed to be input variables to the relational database.

See Also:
BNDSTTASM, Constant Field Values


public static final short STTSCCCLS
Statement Successfully Classified (STTSCCCLS) specifies that the source server program preparation process (precompiler) properly classified the SQL statement, and therefore, assumptions about the SQL statement are not necessary.

See Also:
BNDSTTASM, Constant Field Values


public static final short STTSTRDEL
String Delimiter Double Quote (STRDELDQ) specifies that the string delimiter in the SQL statements is a double quote (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP04) character and that the delimiter for SQL identifiers is an apostrophe (with the GCGID SP05) character. For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09-1391, IBM).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final short USADATFMT
USA Date Format (USADATFMT) specifies that dates in the SQL statements are in the USA date format: mm/dd/yyyy where / is a slash (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP12) character. For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09-1391, 28620 IBM).

See Also:
STTDATFMT, Constant Field Values


public static final short USATIMFMT
USA Time Format (USATIMFMT) specifies that times in the SQL statements are in the USA time format: hh:mm xM x =A or P where ":" is a colon (with the Graphic Character Global IDentifier (GCGID) SP11) character, and A, M, and P are capital (with the Graphic Character IDentifier (GCGID) LA02) characters. AM designates the time from midnight to noon; PM designates the time from noon to midnight. For more information on GCGID, see Character Data Representation Architecture Registry (SC09-1319, 28640 IBM).

See Also:
STTTIMFMT, Constant Field Values

jxUtil 0.6

Copyright © 2001,2002 Keve Müller, et al.; see LICENSE file for details.