jxUtil 0.6

Package org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddrdbd

QDDRDBD contains all DDM classes that describe the commands, replies, and data objects required for relational database functions in DDM.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
ACCRDB Access RDB (ACCRDB) Command makes a named relational database (RDB) available to a requester by creating an instance of an SQL application manager.
ACCRDBRM Access to RDB Completed (ACCRDBRM) Reply Message specifies that an instance of the SQL application manager has been created and is bound to the specified relational database (RDB).
BGNBND Begin Binding a Package to an RDB.
BNDCHKEXS Bind Existence Checking (BNDCHKEXS) String controls whether the relational database (RDB) treats the absence of a named RDB object (table, view, and so on) on an SQL statement or the requester not being authorized to a named RDB object as an error.
BNDCRTCTL Bind Package Creation Control (BNDCRTCTL) String specifies the conditions that govern creating a package with the bind process.
BNDEXPOPT Bind Explain Option (BNDEXPOPT) String controls whether the target SQLAM causes the target relational database (RDB) to produce explanatory information for all explainable SQL statements in the package.
BNDSQLSTT Bind SQL Statement to an RDB Package (BNDSQLSTT) Command binds an SQL statement and any referenced application variable definitions to a relational database (RDB) package.
BNDSTTASM Bind SQL Statement Assumptions (BNDSTTASM) String specify the assumptions made by the source server program preparation process (the precompiler) makes when it was unable to properly classify the SQL statement contained in the SQLSTT command data object.
CLSQRY Close Query (CLSQRY) Command closes a query that an OPNQRY command opened.
CNTQRY The Continue Query (CNTQRY) Command resumes a query or the return of result set data generated by the invocation of a stored procedure that the target SQLAM suspends.
CRRTKN Correlation Token (CRRTKN) String specifies a token that is conveyed between source and target servers for correlating the processing between the servers.
DECPRC Decimal Precision (DECPRC) specifies the decimal precision used during decimal arithmetic processing at the target database.
DFTRDBCOL Default RDB Collection Identifier (DFTRDBCOL) specifies the relational database (RDB) collection identifier that the target RDB uses to complete the RDB object names if necessary for the SQL statements bound into the RDB package.
DGRIOPRL Degree of I/O Parallelism (DGRIOPRL) Binary Integer Number allows an application server to determine if I/O parallel processing is in effect for static SQL queries bound in a package.
DRPPKG Drop RDB Package (DRPPKG) Command drops a named package from a relational database (RDB).
DSCRDBTBL Describe RDB Table (DSCRDBTBL) Command requests that a description of the relational database (RDB) table named in the SQLOBJNAM command data object be returned to the requester.
DSCSQLSTT Describe SQL Statement (DSCSQLSTT) Command returns the definitions of either the select list or the input data variables referenced within the specified package section.
ENDBND End Binding a Package to an RDB.
ENDQRYRM The End of Query (ENDQRYRM) Reply Message indicates that the query process has terminated in such a manner that the query or result set is now closed.
EXCSQLIMM The Execute Immediate SQL Statement (EXCSQLIMM) Command executes the non-cursor Structured Query Language (SQL) statement sent as command data.
EXCSQLSET The Execute SQL Set command executes a list of SQL SET statements at the RDB previously set by the application.
EXCSQLSTT The Execute SQL Statement (EXCSQLSTT) Command executes a non-cursor Structured Query Language (SQL) statement that was previously bound into a named package of a relational database (RDB).
InitCP Initialize the CodePoint map.
MAXBLKEXT Maximum Number of Extra Blocks.
MAXRSLCNT Maximum Result Set Count (MAXRSLCNT) specifies a limit on the number of result sets that the requester is capable of receiving as reply data in the response to an EXCSQLSTT command that invokes a stored procedure.
MAXSCTNBR Maximum Section Number (MAXSCTNBR) Binary Integer Number specifies the highest section number the source server program preparation process (a pre-compiler) assigns or reserves for this package.
NBRROW Number of Fetch or Insert Rows (NBRROW) specifies the number of rows to insert for multi- row inserts.
OPNQFLRM Open Query Failure (OPNQFLRM) Reply Message indicates that the OPNQRY command failed to open the query.
OPNQRY Open Query.
OPNQRYRM Open Query Complete (OPNQRYRM) Reply Message indicates to the requester that an OPNQRY or EXCSQLSTT command completed normally, and that a query process has been initiated.
OUTEXP Output Expected indicates whether the requester expects the target SQLAM to return output within an SQLDTARD rely data object as a result of the execution of the referenced SQL statement.
OUTOVROPT Output Override Option.
PKGATHOPT Package Authorization Option (PKGATHOPT) String specifies whether the existing package authorizations are maintained or revoked when a package is being replaced.
PKGATHRUL The Package Authorization Rules (PKGATHRUL) Binary Integer Number specifies which authorization identifier to use when dynamic SQL in a package is executed.
PKGCNSTKN RDB Package Consistency Token (PKGCNSTKN) verifies that the requester's application and the relational database package are synchronized.
PKGDFTCST Package Default Character Subtype (PKGDFTCST) String e specifies the default SQL character subtype used if a character column is defined by an SQL CREATE or ALTER table statement without an explicit subtype being specified.
PKGID RDB Package Identifier.
PKGISOLVL Package Isolation Level (PKGISOLVL) String specifies the isolation level used when SQL statements in the package are executed unless some target relational database runtime mechanism overrides them.
PKGNAM RDB Package Name (PKGNAM) Scalar Object specifies the fully qualified name of a relational database package.
PKGNAMCSN RDB Package Name, Consistency Token, and Section Number (PKGNAMCSN) Scalar Object specifies the fully qualified name of a relational database package, its consistency token, and a specific section within the package.
PKGNAMCT RDB Package Name and Consistency Token (PKGNAMCT) Scalar Object specifies the fully qualified name of relational database package and its consistency token.
PKGOWNID Package Owner Identifier (PKGOWNID) specifies the end-user name (identifier) of the user that is the owner of the package.
PKGRPLOPT Package Replacement Option (PKGRPLOPT) String specifies whether the current bind process should replace an existing package that has the same package and version name as either of the following specify: * The PKGNAMCT and VRSNAM parameters * The PKGNAMCT and PKGRPLVRS parameter with the package and version name that the PKGNAMCT and VRSNAM parameters specify If no package currently exists that has the same name, this parameter meaning and is ignored.
PKGRPLVRS Replaced Package Version Name (PKGRPLVRS) specifies the version name of the package being replaced by the package that the BGNBND command is binding.
PKGSN RDB Package Section Number (PKGSN) specifies a relational database package section number.
PRCNAM The Procedure Name (PRCNAM) Manager Name is an unarchitected string.
PRDDTA Product-Specific Data (PRDDTA) String specifies product-specific information that is conveyed to the target if the target's SRVCLSNM is not known when the ACCRDB command is issued.
PRPSQLSTT Prepare SQL Statement.
PRPSTTKP Prepared Statement Keep.
QRYATTSCR Query Attribute for Scrollability (QRYATTSCR) indicates whether a cursor is scrollable or non- scrollable.
QRYATTSNS Query Attribute for Sensitivity (QRYATTSNS) indicates the sensitivity of an opened cursor to changes made to the underlying base table.
QRYATTUPD Query Attribute for Updatability (QRYATTUPD) indicates the updatability of an opened cursor.
QRYBLKCTL Query Block Protocol Control (QRYBLKCTL) String controls the type of query block protocol used when a query is opened.
QRYBLKRST Query Block Reset (QRYBLKRST) on a CNTQRY command indicates whether any pending partial row and pending query blocks (QRYDTA and EXTDTA) are to be discarded.
QRYBLKSZ Query Block Size.
QRYDSC Query Answer Set Description.
QRYDTA Query Answer Set Data (QRYDTA) contains some or all of the answer set data resulting from a query.
QRYPOPRM Query Previously Opened (QRYPOPRM) Reply Message is issued when an OPNQRY command is issued for a query that is already open.
QRYPRCTYP Query Protocol Type (QRYPRCTYP) String specifies the type of query protocol the target SQLAM uses.
QRYROWNBR Query Row Number (QRYROWNBR) specifies a row number when using scrollable cursors.
QRYROWSET Query Rowset Size (QRYROWSET) on an OPNQRY or CNTQRY command indicates whether a rowset of rows is to be returned with the command.
QRYROWSNS Query Row Sensitivity (QRYROWSNS) on a CNTQRY command indicates whether the rows to be fetched are to be sensitive to changes in the data underlying the rows in the result table.
QRYRTNDTA Query Returns Data (QRYRTNDTA) on a CNTQRY command indicates whether data is to be returned with the command.
QRYSCRORN Query Scroll Orientation (QRYSCRORN) controls the scroll orientation of a scrollable cursor.
RDB Relational Database.
RDBACCCL RDB Access Manager Class (RDBACCCL) String specifies that the SQL application manager accesses the relational database.
RDBALWUPD RDB Allow Updates (RDBALWUPD) Boolean State controls whether the requester is allowed to perform any update operations in the relational database (RDB).
RDBCMM RDB Commit Unit of Work (RDBCMM) Command commits all work performed for the current unit of work.
RDBCMTOK RDB Commit Allowed (RDMCMTOK) specifies whether an RDB should allow the processing of any commit or rollback operations that occur during execution of a command.
RDBCOLID RDB Collection Identifier.
RDBNAM Relational Database Name.
RDBRLLBCK RDB Rollback Unit of Work (RDBRLLBCK) Command rolls back all work performed for the current unit of work.
RDBRLSOPT RDB Release Option (RDBRLSOPT) String specifies when the RDB releases the package execution resources and the associated serialization or sharing locks.
REBIND Rebind an Existing RDB Package (REBIND) Command rebinds an existing relational database Package.
RTNEXTDTA Return of EXTDTA Option.
RTNSQLDA Return SQL Descriptor Area.
SQL Structured Query Language (SQL) is the language that accesses data in a relational database (RDB).
SQLAM SQL Application Manager (SQLAM) provides a consistent method of requesting SQL services from a relational database (RDB) for a single application requester.
SQLCARD SQL Communications Area Reply Data.
SQLCSRHLD Hold Cursor Position (SQLCSRHLD) Boolean State indicates whether the requester specified the HOLD option on the SQL DECLARE CURSOR statement.
SQLDARD SQL Communications Area Reply Data.
SQLOBJNAM SQL Object Name (SQLOBJNAM) is a byte string that specifies the name of a relational database (RDB) table, collection, index or package.
SQLSTT SQL Statement (SQLSTT) specifies that an SQL statement is being either executed or bound into an RDB package.24 The SQL language standard or product unique extensions, not DDM architecture, defines the syntax and semantics of the SQL statement.
SQLSTTNBR SQL Statement Number (SQLSTTNBR) specifies the source application statement number of an SQL statement.
SRVLCNT Server List Count (SRVLCNT) is a count of the number of entries in the server list (SRVLST).
SRVLSRV Server List Entries (SRVLSRV) contains information for one target server in the server list SRVLST.
SRVLST Server List (SRVLST) identifies the current set of servers supporting access to the same RDB.
STTDATFMT Statement Date Format (STTDATFMT) String specifies the date format used in the SQL statements.
STTDECDEL Statement Decimal Delimiter (STTDECDEL) String specifies the character used as the decimal delimiter in SQL statements.
STTSTRDEL Statement String Delimiter (STTSTRDEL) specifies which separate characters delimit character strings and delimited SQL identifiers in SQL statements.
STTTIMFMT Statement Time Format (STTTIMFMT) String specifies the time format used in the SQL statements.
TRGDFTRT Target Default Value Return (TRGDFTRT) Boolean State whether to return the target default values in ACCRDBRM when ACCRDB is successfully executed.
TYPSQLDA Type of SQL Descriptor Area specifies the type of SQL descriptor area to return that applies to the SQL statement identified by the command.

Package org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddrdbd Description

QDDRDBD contains all DDM classes that describe the commands, replies, and data objects required for relational database functions in DDM.

jxUtil 0.6

Copyright © 2001,2002 Keve Müller, et al.; see LICENSE file for details.