jxUtil 0.6



public class EXCSQLSET
extends COMMAND

The Execute SQL Set command executes a list of SQL SET statements at the RDB previously set by the application. SQL SET statements allow the application to influence how SQL statements are executed by the RDB. This command allows the application when connected to multiple RDBs to maintain a consistent execution environment across all connections without having to send individual SQL SET statements to each RDB. The command allows the source system to manage SET information established by the application and propagate the changes to the target server prior to the execution of any SQL statements at the target server. Source System Processing SET statements are sent to the target server with this command as data objects. The source system maintains a list of non-local SQL SET statements processed by the application. Prior to processing any SQL statements at a target server, the source system propagates these SET statements to the target server by sending this command. SQL SET statements are sent as a list of SQLSTT data objects. They cannot contain any references to either input or output variables. The rdbnam parameter specifies the name of the RDB to which the ACCRDB command gained access. The pkgnamct parameter specifies the fully qualified name and the consistency token of the package being executed. The monitor parameter allows the requester to request a set of events or activities to be monitored on the target server. Refer to MONITOR for the list of supported events. The TYPDEFNAM command data object specifies the name of the data type-to-data representation mapping definitions that the source SQLAM uses when sending command data objects for this command. The TYPDEFOVR command data object specifies the single-byte, double-byte, and mixed-byte CCSIDs of the SDAs in the identified data type-to-data representation mapping definitions for the data objects for this command. Normal completion of this command returns an SQLCARD object. If the SQLCARD describes a successful completion of the command or a warning occurred during the executing of the command, the environment used to process subsequent SQL statements is established. Warnings should not impact the execution of subsequent SQL statements. If the SQLCARD describes an error, the processing of subsequent SQL statements by the target server is prevented until the execution of this command is successful. Open Group Technical Standard (Draft January 23, 2001) Terms EXCSQLSET Target System Processing The RDB is invoked to execute each SET statement in the order that the SQLSTT data objects are received. If the RDB does not recognize the SET statement, a warning SQLCARD data object is returned. If the RDB detects an error condition that should prevent the execution of subsequent SQL statements, the SQLERRRM reply message is returned with an error SQLCARD data object.

Field Summary
static short CP
Fields inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddprmd.COLLECTION
Constructor Summary
EXCSQLSET(DDM ddm, int len)
Method Summary
 void setPKGNAMCT(PKGNAMCT pkgnamct)
 void setRDBNAM(RDBNAM rdbnam)
Methods inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddprmd.COLLECTION
get, put, toString, write
Methods inherited from class org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddprmd.DATA
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final short CP
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public EXCSQLSET(DDM ddm,
                 int len)
          throws IOException
Method Detail




public RDBNAM getRDBNAM()


public void setPKGNAMCT(PKGNAMCT pkgnamct)


public void setRDBNAM(RDBNAM rdbnam)

jxUtil 0.6

Copyright © 2001,2002 Keve Müller, et al.; see LICENSE file for details.