Static variable in interface
Decimal Delimiter Is Comma (DECDELCMA) specifies that the decimal
delimiter in the SQL 8106 statements is the comma (with the Graphic
Character Global Identifier (GCGID) SP08) character.
Static variable in interface
Decimal Delimiter Is Period (DECDELPRD) specifies that the decimal
delimiter in the SQL 8121 statements is the period (with the Graphic
Character Global Identifier (GCGID) SP11) character.
DECPRC - class
Decimal Precision (DECPRC) specifies the decimal precision used during
decimal arithmetic processing at the target database.
Default RDB Collection Identifier (DFTRDBCOL) specifies the relational
database (RDB) collection identifier that the target RDB uses to complete
the RDB object names if necessary for the SQL statements bound into the RDB
DGRIOPRL - class
Degree of I/O Parallelism (DGRIOPRL) Binary Integer Number allows an
application server to determine if I/O parallel processing is in effect for
static SQL queries bound in a package.
The DRAWING-DIRECTION field contains a hint indicating whether most of the character metrics have a positive (or LeftToRight ) logical width or a negative ( RightToLeft ) logical width.
Describe RDB Table (DSCRDBTBL) Command requests that a description of the
relational database (RDB) table named in the SQLOBJNAM command data object
be returned to the requester.
Constructor for class
Describe SQL Statement (DSCSQLSTT) Command returns the definitions of either
the select list or the input data variables referenced within the specified
package section.