jxUtil 0.6

Package org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddbasd

DDM Base Classes Dictionary.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
ACCSEC Access Security.
ACCSECRD Access Security Reply Data.
AGENT Agent.
CCSIDDBC CCSID for Double-byte Characters (CCSIDDBC) String specifies a coded character set identifier (CCSID) for double-byte characters.
CCSIDMGR CCSID Manager (CCSIDMGR) Resource Manager provides character data conversion of the DDM parameters containing character data.
CMDNSPRM Command Not Supported (CMDNSPRM) Reply Message indicates that the specified command is not recognized or not supported for the specified target object.
CMNMGR Communications Manager (CMNMGR) is one of the basic operative parts of DDM architecture.
CMNTCPIP TCP/IP Communications Manager (CMNTCPIP) describes the communications manager that supports protocols by using Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) local communications facilities.
DSSFMT Data Stream Structure Format.
EXCSAT Exchange Server Attributes.
EXCSATRD Server Attributes Reply Data.
EXTNAM External Name.
FDODTA FD:OCA Data (FDODTA) contains data that a Formatted Data Object Architecture descriptor (FDODSC) describes.
InitCP Initialize the CodePoint map.
MANAGER Resource Manager.
MGRLVLLS Manager-Level List (MGRLVLLS) Scalar Object specifies a list of code points and support levels for the classes of managers a server supports.
MGRNAM Manager Name.
OBJDSS Object Data Stream Structure (OBJDSS) specifies the general format of DDM object data stream structures.
PASSWORD Password at the Target System (PASSWORD) specifies the password associated with the defined end-user name.
PKGDFTCC Package Default CCSIDs for a Column.
PRDID Product-Specific Identifier (PRDID) specifies the product release level of a DDM server.
PRMNSPRM Parameter Not Supported (PRMNSPRM) Reply Message indicates that the specified parameter is not recognized or not supported for the specified command.
RPYDSS Reply Data Stream Structure (RPYDSS) specifies the general format of the DDM reply data stream structures.
RPYMSG Reply Message.
RQSDSS Request Data Stream Structure.
SECCHK Security Check.
SECCHKCD The Security Check Code (SECCHKCD) String codifies the security information and condition for the SECCHKRM.
SECCHKRM Security Check.
SECMEC Security Mechanism.
SECMGR Security Manager.
SECMGRNM Security Manager Name.
SECTKN Security Token.
SPVNAM Supervisor Name.
SRVCLSNM Server Class Name.
SRVDGN Server Diagnostic Information (SRVDGN) String specifies diagnostic information on reply messages that the responding server defines.
SRVNAM Server Name.
SRVRLSLV Server Product Release Level.
SVRCOD Severity Code (SVRCOD) is an indicator of the severity of a condition detected during the execution of a command.
SYNERRCD Syntax Error Code (SYNERRCD) String specifies the condition that caused termination of data stream parsing.
SYNTAXRM Data Stream Syntax Error (SYNTAXRM) Reply Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM architecture.
TEXT Text Character String (TEXT) specifies character string data that can be read.
USRID User ID at the Target System.
VRSNAM Version Name (VRSNAM) specifies the version name associated with an entity.

Package org.sourceforge.jxutil.net.ddm.qddbasd Description

DDM Base Classes Dictionary. This dictionary contains all DDM classes that describe the data objects required for DDM.

jxUtil 0.6

Copyright © 2001,2002 Keve Müller, et al.; see LICENSE file for details.