jxUtil 0.6 | ||||||||
Interface Summary | |
CodePoints |
Class Summary | |
ACCSEC | Access Security. |
ACCSECRD | Access Security Reply Data. |
AGENT | Agent. |
CCSIDDBC | CCSID for Double-byte Characters (CCSIDDBC) String specifies a coded character set identifier (CCSID) for double-byte characters. |
CCSIDMBC | CCSID for Mixed. |
CCSIDMGR | CCSID Manager (CCSIDMGR) Resource Manager provides character data conversion of the DDM parameters containing character data. |
CCSIDSBC | CCSID for Single. |
CMDNSPRM | Command Not Supported (CMDNSPRM) Reply Message indicates that the specified command is not recognized or not supported for the specified target object. |
CMNMGR | Communications Manager (CMNMGR) is one of the basic operative parts of DDM architecture. |
CMNTCPIP | TCP/IP Communications Manager (CMNTCPIP) describes the communications manager that supports protocols by using Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) local communications facilities. |
DSSFMT | Data Stream Structure Format. |
EXCSAT | Exchange Server Attributes. |
EXCSATRD | Server Attributes Reply Data. |
EXTNAM | External Name. |
FDODTA | FD:OCA Data (FDODTA) contains data that a Formatted Data Object Architecture descriptor (FDODSC) describes. |
InitCP | Initialize the CodePoint map. |
MANAGER | Resource Manager. |
MGRLVLLS | Manager-Level List (MGRLVLLS) Scalar Object specifies a list of code points and support levels for the classes of managers a server supports. |
MGRNAM | Manager Name. |
NEWPASSWORD | New Password. |
OBJDSS | Object Data Stream Structure (OBJDSS) specifies the general format of DDM object data stream structures. |
PASSWORD | Password at the Target System (PASSWORD) specifies the password associated with the defined end-user name. |
PKGDFTCC | Package Default CCSIDs for a Column. |
PRDID | Product-Specific Identifier (PRDID) specifies the product release level of a DDM server. |
PRMNSPRM | Parameter Not Supported (PRMNSPRM) Reply Message indicates that the specified parameter is not recognized or not supported for the specified command. |
RPYDSS | Reply Data Stream Structure (RPYDSS) specifies the general format of the DDM reply data stream structures. |
RPYMSG | Reply Message. |
RQSDSS | Request Data Stream Structure. |
SECCHK | Security Check. |
SECCHKCD | The Security Check Code (SECCHKCD) String codifies the security information and condition for the SECCHKRM. |
SECCHKRM | Security Check. |
SECMEC | Security Mechanism. |
SECMGR | Security Manager. |
SECMGRNM | Security Manager Name. |
SECTKN | Security Token. |
SPVNAM | Supervisor Name. |
SRVCLSNM | Server Class Name. |
SRVDGN | Server Diagnostic Information (SRVDGN) String specifies diagnostic information on reply messages that the responding server defines. |
SRVNAM | Server Name. |
SRVRLSLV | Server Product Release Level. |
SVRCOD | Severity Code (SVRCOD) is an indicator of the severity of a condition detected during the execution of a command. |
SYNERRCD | Syntax Error Code (SYNERRCD) String specifies the condition that caused termination of data stream parsing. |
SYNTAXRM | Data Stream Syntax Error (SYNTAXRM) Reply Message indicates that the data sent to the target agent does not structurally conform to the requirements of the DDM architecture. |
TEXT | Text Character String (TEXT) specifies character string data that can be read. |
USRID | User ID at the Target System. |
VRSNAM | Version Name (VRSNAM) specifies the version name associated with an entity. |
DDM Base Classes Dictionary. This dictionary contains all DDM classes that describe the data objects required for DDM.
jxUtil 0.6 | ||||||||